Partner with a Farmer in Israel... Share in the Blessing!
"I will Ordain my Blessing for you" וְצִוִּ֤יתִי אֶת־בִּרְכָתִי֙ לָכֶ֔ם
(Leviticus 25:21 ויקרא)
Planting in Givat Chareidi near Kochav Hashachar
Zo Artzeinu
planted a whole bunch of new trees in a new settlement for Chareidim (Ultra orthodox) right across from
Kochav Hashachar. This is the first Chariedi settlement in the Benjamin region. The Chareidi community are not so familiar with agriculture and building new settlements, but these fine young men came from Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh and other parts of the country to roll up their sleeves and connect to the land of Israel in a very real and physical way. Most of them came wearing black dress pants, white shirts and Tzizit sticking out, some even wearing Tefillin while planting! It was an honor to donate trees to this new Young settlement. We look forward to seeing it grow in the future.
Planting @ a New Ethiopian Chava (Farm) in Latrun with Bnei Akiva.
Zo Artzeinu
got a call from
Hashomer Yosh השומר יו"ש asking us to donate fruit trees for a new
Ethiopian Chava (Farm) located in
Latrun which is right across the street from the famous
IDF Tank Museum.
community got permission to establish this new Chava (farm) and set up a center where they can build and farm in a similar way that they did in Ethiopia, sharing their rich culture with other Israelis. The boys and girls from
Bnei Akiva Sharon region came to help plant trees and do all sorts of other tasks to get this farm going.
Planting a NEW Orchard in memory of Luci, Maia and Rina Dee.
Zo Artzeinu was so honored to donate the trees to plant an orchard in memory of Lucy, Maia and Rina Dee הי"ד who were brutally murdered last year in the Jordan valley. Thanks to the Ezra youth kids for arranging it and planting the trees. The orchard was be planted at the entrance of the Tamar neighborhood in Efrat where the family lives.
They take away like, we plant NEW life!
Thanks to everyone who donated these trees. Feel free to visit them any time. Stay tuned for a video of the planting.
Planting a New Olive Orchard at a Mechina Army Prep School
Last week the Mechinat Eitan Boys (pre army prep school) in Maale Adumim planted a NEW Olive orchard on an empty mountain ridge overlooking the Jordan Valley and Yam Hamelach (the dead sea) next to their future NEW campus. When it's built and they move in, the trees will be much larger. Thanks to those who donated these trees.
The instructors at the
were the first ones to get called up to the special forces units in the
IDF to fight
Hamas in the war in Gaza. Now that they have returned safely thank God, they are teaching the boy about warfare AND settling the land with things like planting a NEW Olive orchard.
Upcoming Planting in Moshav Shuva on the Northern Gaza BorderWe have been getting calls from communities around the Gaza border asking for fruit trees to plant. Now the the spring time is approaching many more of them will start planting. Next place planting is
Moshav Shuva on the Northarn Gaza border, where we have helped plant fruit trees in the past as well. Stay tuned for photos and videos of the planting.
Planting in Kibbutz Magen on the Gaza Border.
Members of
Zo Artzeinu Shlomo Walfish
David Grunblatt
traveled to the Gaza border to help plant trees in
Kibbutz Magen.These trees were donated and planted by a community in LA California led by R. Elissa Ben-Naim who was on a supportive mission to Israel. They planted,
Fig, Avocado, Mango, Orange, Clementine, Lemon, Pamela, Pamolit, Grapefruit, Loquat, and Litchi Trees.
Planting Started in Kidumim.
Since it was very COLD in January it was not the best time to plant certain types of trees yet, so some of the planting was delayed. However some places did start planting. Like in
Kidumim. The IDF kicked out illegal Arab squatters who were trying to take over some land near Kidumim. They told the residents and settlers there to plant trees to safeguard the land. They immediately called
Zo Artzeinu and asked for a few hundred fruit trees to protect the land and people in Kidumim. Once they plant fruit trees there, the land stays in Jewish hands and the IDF patrols more often and keeps it safe and Jewish. Thanks to donors like you we sent them a TRUCK FULL of fruit trees, and the community just planted them and had fun doing so! Enjoy some of the photos.
Talkline With Zev Brenner with Shlomo Walfish of on the War's effect on Farming
What's the connection between planting trees and security? - Tu B'shvat - Hidbroot Morning Show
מה הקשר בין נטיעת עצים לביטחון מדיני? - ספיישל ט"ו בשבט - הידברות
Interview with Shlomo Walfish the Director of Zo Artzeinu - on the Hidabroot morning show in their Petach Tikva studio Starts at 23:21min about Tu B'shvat and planting fruit trees all over Israel. Enjoy Chag Sameach.
Watch: Helping Harvest Farmer Shalom's Avocados under Missile Attack!
Mixed Fruit Tree Orchard at Chavat Gitit
See a video of Chava Gitit overlooking the Jordan Valley. Thanks to everyone who purchased some trees for Noam Jackson he planted hundreds of mixed trees of all types in a brand new orchard that will completely change the nature of this mountain in just a few years bringing human and wildlife to this place. It all starts with setting in roots to the land.
NEW Video Picking Dates in Einot Kedem with Omer & Na'ama Atidya
Oren and Na'ama Atidya are incredible farmers planting on hundreds of dunam in
Einot Kedem in the
Jordan Valley. They their family and some young volunteers are the only ones protecting the land from being stolen by illegal squatters. See video of us picking dates on a
date forklift 15 meters high in the sky with them.
Yakir Cohen & friends Planting a Vineyard in Asael this summer!
Koby Gur Aryeh Planting a NEW Vineyard in Kochav Hashachar this summer!
Visiting Homesh and Planting Part 2
Members of
Zo Artzeinu Shlomo Walfish
David Grunblatt
headed out to Homesh in the Northern Shomron to check up on the fruit trees friends of Zo Artzeinu donated to them and to help plant more fruit trees.
Homesh and some other communities in the Northern Shomron were expelled during the expulsion of Gush Katif in 2005. Since then many people tried to move back to Homesh, they succeeded on setting up a Yeshiva a few years ago. Recently, right after the Yeshiva boys in Homesh planted the new fruit trees the current Government rescinded the expulsion order which will pave the way for Jews to move back to Homesh and settle in it.
Visiting Homesh and Planting Trees Part 1.
Memebers of Zo Artzeinu Artzeinu took a trip to Homesh in the Northern Shomron visited the Yeshiva there where we donated trees, then helped plant some more trees there. Enjoy part 1. stay tuned for part 2.
Shmitta Miracle Story with Shoshan Raiz from Machon Torah Vehaaretz
Shoshan Raiz English translator and educator at Machon HaTorah Viha'aretz - The Institute of Torah and the Land of Israel, telling her personal story about a Miracle that happend this past Shmitta.
NEW! "First Fruit Trees" Post Shmitta Planting in Har Kida near Shilo with Ira Rappaport
Shmitta is now OVER. Many farmers in Israel who did not plant all year, started planting.
First Pruning Post Shmitta after not being able to prune them a whole year.
Shmitta is now OVER. Many farmers in Israel who did not prune or plant all year, started pruning and planting.
Purchasing Produce in Israel During Shmitta with Rabbi Moshe Bloom
Shlomo Walfish from Zo Artzeinu interviewed Rabbi Moshe Bloom the English Director of Machon HaTorah Viha'aretz - The Institute of Torah and the Land of Israel. They do Amazing work educating people about the Mitzvot, and guide and facilitate performing them with farmers all over Israel. Here are Parts 1, 2 and 3.and 2.
NEW video - How to care for Kedushat Shevi'it (Shmitta) Produce!
Learn how to care for Kedushat Shevi'it" (Shmitta) Produce during Shmita with the use of a special garbage can called a Pach Shmitta.
You can order a tree now that
Shmitta is over which
will be planted before the winter. Support and become a partner with a farmer who observed Shmitta! Share in the Mitzvah and Bracha!
Amit Technological High School Ashkelon Planting a Mixed Orchard
Last year before Shmitta started, we planted trees with many Schools.
Check out this NEW video of the **AMIT Technological High School** in Ashkelon planting fruit trees on their school campus in Ashkelon at the end of last year before Shmitta started.
It's a special ed school where the students learn things hands-on and were thrilled to learn about fruit trees, the mitzvot they bring, and actually help plant the trees in their own school yard with their own hands.
You can order a tree now that
Shmitta is over which
will be planted before the winter. Support and become a partner with a farmer who observed Shmitta! Share in the Mitzvah and Bracha!
Learning about Kilayim @ The Institute for Agricultural Laws
As we enter
Shavuot, check out this interview with Shmuel from
The Institute for Agricultural Laws,
Beit Medresh Lhalacha Bihityashvut בית המדרש להלכה בהתיישבות
He shows us a live example of a tree that is Kilayim which is forbidden to grow according the Halacha as instructed in the Torah.
Jerusalem Day and Making History!
Zo Artzeinu's friend and activist Avi Abelow made history this week! Instead of sitting back and doing nothing while illegal Arab squatters steal our land in Judea & Samaria, Avi along with other residents of Efrat decided to make a statement and set a precedent
They hiked from the Northern hill of Efrat from the Dagan (where Zo Atreinu and friends planted a new mixed orchard before Shmitta) all the way east to Tekoa, to connect the Western section of Gush Etzion to the Eastern section of Gush Etzion.
Avi reports: "This was probably the first Jewish civilian hike along this valley since King David’s time! One day, a road is supposed to be built here. But if we don’t claim ownership of this land with our feet by starting to hike here with our families and youth groups, then the hostile Arabs will continue to steal the land and make building the road impossible! Just as they are illegally building right outside the Northern gate of Efrat making a road to the Eitam hill impossible!
It’s up to us, the people to save the land of Israel!!! We can’t delude ourselves into thinking that the government or municipalities will do the work. It’s up to us!!!"
Planting a NEW Mixed Orchard at Gan BaDagn in Efrat
Last summer before Shmitta started we helped plant a NEW mixed orchard in Efrat south of Jerusalem.
Thanks to everyone who helped plant or sponsor the mixed fruit tree Orchard with over 150 trees in Efrat in between the Dagan and Zayit. The new park will be called Gan BaDagan. Feel free to visit it next time you're in Israel.
Planting Trees @ the IDU Israel Dog Unit in Kfar Tapuach
Zo Artzeinu was founded in 1993 to safeguard the land of Israel. They started planting fruit trees early on and also helped support the Israel Dog Unit. Before Shmitta we planted a whole bunch of new fruit trees in Kfar Tapuach at the IDU Israel dog unit headquarters. The Israel Civilian K9 Unit is an independent volunteer organization that assists the community and government bodies in Search and Rescue (SAR) and security. They find missing people and save many lives.
Barkai School Planting in Ramat Gilad in the Shomron
Last year before Shmitta started we planted trees with many Schools.
This video is of the Barkai School in Karnei Shomron planting trees in Mitzpe Shmulik in Ramat Gilad in the Shomron.
The children learn about Torat Eretz Yisrael in school in the heart of the Shomron, and now get to experience it for themselves helping plant the Biblical parts of the land, creating new Mitzvot and making it grow.
Visiting Havot (Farms) in the Shomron for Tu B'shvat 2022
Since Farmers could not plant trees during the year of Shmitta, Zo Artzeinu partnered with an amazing Yeshiva in Yitzhar called Yeshiva Roeh Yisrael which means the Shepherds of Israel to show our support for these amazing farmers. The Yeshiva teaches the students Torat Eretz Yisrael, all about the importance of settling the land of Israel and loving their fellow person.
Naftali Lipshits was the Yeshiva coordinator and helped put together some beautiful packages and to deliver it to over 70 different small farms all over the Shomron (Samaria). They are called Havot (farms).
Meet Tomer Pinini who cares for a farm with sheep, a Vineyard and a Winery
Check out a new video of Tomer Pnini from Havat Tomer whom we helped plant a Vineyard years ago. He kept last Shmitta and as a result won a Double Gold Medal PLUS a medal for the best Boutique wine in Israel!
Tu B'shvat Planting at the Sudbury Democratic School in the Elah Valley
Check out a new video of children from the Sudbury Democratic School in the Elah Valley planting trees last Tu B'shvat! We saved the video footage specially for you to enjoy during Shmitta when we can not plant them. Let us know what you think so we can bring you more great coverage of planting trees in schools and with farmers all over Israel.
How to Partner with Shirel Charlap in all the Mitzvot pertaining to trees and their fruits
See a video of Shirel Charlap prepping for Shmitta by planting a 5,000 tree vineyard in Migdalim in the Shomron Samaria. Shirel Charlop is the great grandson of Reb Yaakov Moshe Charlap who was close with Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook the first Chief Rabbi of Israel and became the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Merkaz Harav after Rav Kook. Rabbi Charlap writings deal with the sanctity of the Land of Israel and the nature of redemption in our generation.
Learn how you can partner with farmers like Shirel in observing and Sharing in the Mitzvah and Blessing of trees
Thanks to everyone who helped the farmers of Yitzhar get trees so far. They planted the vineyard before the deadline and friends of Zo Artzeinu like you helped pay for 1,000 of the trees so far. Thanks to everyone who already helped out. They still need cover the cost of the other 1,500 trees. The cost for flattening the land and all the infrastructure to protect the land is very expensive and beyond the funding ability of the locals in Yitzhar. They are simple dedicated people who are willing to work hard, but need your help. Dedicate some trees NOW, and Partner with them as they observe Shmitta.
The locals who planted are VERY dedicated, they had to hike down a 200 meter VERY steep mountain for about 10 min just to get to the vineyard! The least we can all do is help get them these trees!
See NEW video update below of Shloime in Yitzhar planting these trees. Become a LIVING part of the Torah.
You can order a tree now that will be planted right AFTER Shmitta. Support and become a partner with a farmer currently observing Shmitta! Share in the Mitzvah and Bracha!
Partner with a farmer, Fulfill Shmitta together, and Share in the Brocha!
(Shemos 23:10)
והְשַּׁבְיִעתִ תִּשְׁמְטֶנּהָ וּנטְַשְׁתָּהּ
(Vayikra 25:21) וְצִוִּ֤יתִי אֶת־בִּרְכָתִי֙ לָכֶ֔ם
The Torah mitzvah of conquering the land, settling it and develping it.
(Bamidbar 33) וְהֽוֹרַשְׁתֶּם אֶת הָאָרֶץ וִישַׁבְתֶּם בָּהּ
(Vayikra 26:5)
וִישַׁבְתֶּם לָבֶטַח בְּאַרְצְכֶם
Protecting Jewish lives from a hostile land grab posing a security threat!
(Vayikra 19:16) לֹא תַֽעֲמֹ֖ד עַל־דַּם רֵעֶךָ
(Devorim 4:15) וְנִשְׁמַרְתֶּם מְאֹ֖ד לְנַפְשֹֽׁתֵיכֶ֑ם
Meet Joshua Waller from Hayovel who moved to Israel to serve farmers.
It was a true pleasure meeting
Joshua Waller and the volunteers from all around the world who came to Israel with Hayovel to help plant fruit trees like this 5,000 tree vineyard in Migdalim. Hashem should continue to bless him and his family for helping so many righteous people from the nations connect to, and help the holy farmers of Israel.
Watch the Desert is LITERALLY coming to life!!
Thanks to our Shmittah program the desert is LITERALLY coming to life!! Look at this unbelievable picture!! Today, our farmers planted 2,000 fruit trees on the Egyptian border IN THE SAND!! Every person - around the world - who clicked on our website and purchased one of those trees is building the land, turning sand into life and will be keeping the Mitzvah of Shmittah!! Its not too late - 3,000 MORE fruit trees will be planted in this same spot before Shmittah but the trees are going fast.
CLICK HERE NOW to plant one (or more) of these trees and you will ALSO keep the Mitzvah of Shmittah PLUS help a prophecy come true: ישעיה / Isaiah 35:1-2 - ArtScroll translation: "The desert will be glad and blossom like a lily. It will blossom abundantly and will rejoice!"
Successful Planting "Gan BaDagan" in Efrat
Successful Planting in Efrat last Fri.
Thanks to everyone who helped plant or sponsor a whole new mixed fruit tree Orchard with over 120 trees in Efrat in between the Dagan and Zayit this past Friday. The new park will be called Gan BaDagan. Stay tuned for a Video.
The Admor of Piacezne Planting at the Aish Kodesh Vineyard
The Admor of Piacezne Planting at the Aish Kodesh Vineyard
The Admor of Piacezne Rav Menachem Shapira the Rebbe of Kehilat Aish Kodesh Ramat Beit Shemesh, went on a trip to the Shomron to visit and plant fruit trees at the Aish Kodesh Vineyard which is located in the Aish Kodesh settlement in the Shomron near Shilo.
The trees were donated by members of Kehillat Aish Kodesh and people around the world, in memory of, Leilu Nishmat his late wife Rebbetzin Doba Shapira א"ה. The Rebbe's children and members of the Keillah joined him on this historic trip and helped plant more olive trees alongside the vineyard. It was the first time the Admor of Piacezne aka the Aish Kodesh Rebbe visited the Aish Kodesh settlement in the Shomron mountains.
The Rebbe's Grandfather Reb Yeshaya Shapira (1891-1945) brother of Rebbe Kalonymus Kalman Shapira the Piacezne Rebbe from poland who wrote and was called the Aish Kodesh hy"d, was known as Admor Hachalutz, the Pioneering Rebbe who came to Israel in 1920 and help build up Eretz Israel in Land, Torah and Mitzvot. He wrote a Sefer book called Eretz Chafetz based on the teachings of Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook whom he was close with, about the importance of planting fruit trees in Israel and about the Mitzvot Hatluyot Baaretz, Mitzvot that can only be performed in the Holy land.
The Rebbe is the son of Reb Elimelech Shapira, and assumed the mantle of the Piacezne Chassidus in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph since his father passing in 1997. The Rebbe's Grandfather Reb Yeshaya Shapira (1891-1945) brother of Rebbe Kalonymus Kalman Shapira the Piacezne Rebbe from poland who wrote and was called the Aish Kodesh hy"d, was known as Admor Hachalutz, the Pioneering Rebbe who came to Israel in 1920 and help build up Eretz Israel in Land, Torah and Mitzvot. He wrote a Sefer book called Eretz Chafetz based on the teachings of Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook whom he was close with, about the importance of planting fruit trees in Israel and about the Mitzvot Hatluyot Baaretz, Mitzvot that can only be performed in the Holy land.
Partner with a Farmer in Israel... Share in the Mitzvah and Brocha!
"I will Ordain my Blessing for you" וְצִוִּ֤יתִי אֶת־בִּרְכָתִי֙ לָכֶ֔ם
(Leviticus 25:21 ויקרא)