
Countdown until Tu B'Shvat


Tu B'Shvat is Here Time to Plant!

Help Farmers Plant Trees on the Northern and Gaza borders Before this Winter!

"honor G-d with your wealth and the first fruits of your produce” (Proverbs 3:9)

Bring Blessing to the Land of Israel and your family by helping farmers plant

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Help Farmers Plant Fruit Trees in the Northern & Gaza borders Before Winter

so they can then take advantage of the winter rain which is a huge savings!

They Murder 1,200 Precious Lives We plant 12,000 Trees & Create NEW Life

God Blesses those who Bless Israel!

"I will bless those who bless you"   (Genesis 12:3)

Planting Blesses the Land & the People!

Planting NEW Life!

In Kissufim 22 people were killed and 4 taken hostage. Help plant 6,500 avocado trees 🥑  and encourage others as well. Together we'll plant NEW life! 🙏

Planting in Nachal Oz! and Magen

"But You, O Lord, are a Shield (Magen) around me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head." (Psalm 3:4)

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Apples, Almonds, Dates, Figs, Grapes, Mango, Olives, Pomegranates and more!

God promises to bless those who help in the observance of the Biblical agricultural laws:

"I will Ordain my Blessing for you"

(Leviticus 25:21)

👉 Click Here to Plant

Pastor Larry Huch, in Ma'ale Amos Israel, @ an Olive Gove

Friends from around the world planting trees in Israel

“When you come to the land plant FRUIT trees” (Lev 19)

The Bible (Torah) also says:

"I will bless those who bless you"
 (Genesis 12:3)

Planting Fruit trees, brings blessing to the people and the Land of Israel!

Pastor John, brought a bus of tourists to plant fruit trees in the Holy Land. He said: “We are honored and blessed to be able to share in the Biblical Blessing 'I will bless those who bless you' we want Israel to prosper and hope others will plant more trees and share in the Blessings as well. Thank you for this opportunity."

EVERY order receives an authentic Tree Certificate showing your Partnership.

You'll receive a personalized certificate stating the number of trees you planted. 

Dedicate your trees in honor or memory of friends or loved ones. Keep the certificate for yourself or have us mail it to others.

Makes a meaningful Gift!

Plant 4 Trees
Receive a
Star of David Necklace!
Display your love for Israel with this classic Gold and Silver "Star of David Necklace!"
Plant 10 Trees
Receive a
Silver Plated Map of Israel Necklace!
Plated with Sterling Silver Realistic Map of Israel "Keep Israel near your Heart"
Plant 18 Trees
Receive a
Silver Tree of Life Necklace!
Award winning design. Hand Crafted as a Tree, Unique One of a Kind!
Plant 30 Trees
Receive BOTH
Map of Israel and Tree Necklaces!
Award winning designs both hand crafted. ​Your family will love them!
Plant 50 Trees
Receive a
Olive Tree Menorah!
Beautiful Silver toned Menorah is shaped as an olive tree This will Light Up Your Home!
Plant 100 Trees
Receive a
Large 21"
Temple Menorah!
Shaped like the one in the Holy Temple (but with 9 branches) Make your Home a Holy Temple!
Plant 100 Trees
 Attention families and groups. Have your very own Orchard in Israel!
Personalized sign placed at YOUR own orchard. We will mail you a picture to display. Visit your orchard next time you're in Israel
Planting trees in Israel is tax deductible in the USA
We are a registered non profit organization Tax ID 11-3321933
This website is on a 100% safe and secure server see https: at the top.
Fill out my online form.

If your browser has a problem loading the order form which should be in the box above this text: Click Here for the "Tree Order Form"

For questions, or to order by check or by phone please call +1(516) 371 2474

It takes A LOT to plant FRUIT trees!

  1. Find a suitable location and purchase it.
  2. Prepare the land by clearing away rocks and thorn bushes.
  3. Bring water, electric and other infrastructure to the site.
  4. Install a fence around the entire area to keep away the animals.
  5. Turn over, flatten and fertilize the soil.
  6. Install a computerized irrigation system.
  7. Strategically plan and carefully plant all the trees.
  8. Weed, water, fertilize, and prune them for 3 years (Orlah).
  9. AFTER 4 years we can finally redeem the fruits (Neta Revai).
  10. On the 7th year (Shmitta) no pruning or selling the produce. 

Pastor Larry Huch
It's a privilege to be able to help plant trees in Israel. We and our followers have only seen Blessings from joining with Israeli farmers.
R. Shmuel Eliyahu chief Rabbi of Sfat Planting trees with Zo Artzeinu in Reichan in the Samaria mountains creating new life, new blessing and helping settle the holy land of Israel making it grow and flourish.

When you plant a tree using the form above

you will receive a personalized tree certificate. If you can not donate one full tree, you can still Share in the Mitzvah and Blessing and Donate any amount by clicking on the Donate Button

International volunteers harvesting grapes in Israel

See people from all over the world come to Israel to volunteer in harvesting grapes on the trees that friends of Zo Artzeinu donated, plus great interview with Nate from Hayovel.

Meet Joshua Waller from Hayovel

Zo Artzeinu met with Joshua Waller and the volunteers from all around the world who came to Israel to help plant a vineyard in Migdalim donated by people like you and friends of Zo Artzeinu.

International Group Visiting an Avocado Orchard in Kissufim

An international group traveled to Kissufim on the Gaza border to see the trees they donated. Despite challenges with canceled flights and multiple rebookings, they made it to Israel.

👉 Click Here to Plant

Pastor John, brought a bus full of international tourists to plant fruit trees in Samaria donated by people from around the world.

Pastor Manning interviewing Shmuel Sackett from Zo Artzeinu Israel Trees about the Upcoming Sabbatical Year Shmitta 

Check out this Amazing documentary put out by CBN, documenting Israel's incredible innovations and blessings it brings to the world.

 Why People Plant Fruit Trees

Share in the Mitzvah

Fulfills the bibilical Mitzvos and brings blessing to Israel and those who plant it.

Supports Israel's Economy

Helps support entire communities, the economy of Israel and protects the land.

Meaningful Gift

Makes a meaningfull gift for Weddings, Bar or Bat Mitzvahas, in memory of someone.

Miracle Shmitta Grapes

Amazing true story with Ariel BenSheitreet a grape farmer who runs the vineyard in Yitzhar. Read what happend to his grapes before last Shmitta (Sabbatical year) Click Here

Miracle Banana Field Story

Amazing true story with Gibor Koach a banana farmer, who decided to keep Shmitta (the Sabbatical year) for the first time in his life after many years of farming. Click Here

Keeping Shmitta saved lives!

IDF video explaining the story of how keeping Shmitta enabled them to thwart the terror tunnel attack next to a Moshav where friends of Zo Artzeinu helped plant thousands of fruit trees. Click Here

Former deputy speaker of the Knesset planting trees

Moshe Feiglin and Shmuel Sackett cofounders of Zo Artzeinu helping plant 600 Fruit Trees near Shilo site of the Biblical Tabernacle. Trees were sponsored by lovers of Israel from around the world.

MK "Planting FRUIT trees in Israel Fullfills the Biblical Mitzvot and is one of the BEST ways to show God & the world we are here to STAY"

President of Israel Planting Fruit Trees with Zo Artzeinu

Israeli's president Rubi Rivlin planting avocado trees in Moshav Yavul in southern Israel near the Gaza boarder. The president traveled to the south of Israel to show his support for the farmers and express his admiration for them living in the Negev (desert) and turning it into a growing, thriving and productive oasis

Ethiopian Jews in Beer Sheva

Prepping the land in Beer Sheva for an urban orchard with our Jewish brothers who immigrated from Ethiopia. This improves the Negev, unites the residents around a project that feeds them and teaches about self sustainability as well. Zo Artzeinu member also teach them how to keep the Biblical Mitzvot with these trees and their fruits.

Partner with a Farmer in Israel from ANYWHERE in the world!

Make the Land of Israel beautiful and plant a tree today

Share in the Biblical Blessing!

"I will Ordain my Blessing for you"  וְצִוִּ֤יתִי אֶת־בִּרְכָתִי֙ לָכֶ֔ם

(Leviticus 25:21 ויקרא)

👉 Click Here to Plant
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